We can assist you with every aspect of your tax preparation and planning, including individual, partnership, trust and corporate returns. We offer the most comprehensive and accurate service so that you can rest assured. Our mission is to provide the highest quality and personalized service to each one of our clients being proactive with advice, sticking to deadlines, being accessible with our expertise, exceeding expectations, and being fully committed to helping clients succeed. We look beyond the numbers: exploring all possibilities, finding solutions, and adding values to your financial decision making. WSC provides comprehensive guidance that is compliant with federal, state, local, and international tax laws and regulations. As tax and business advisors, we provide informed tax strategies and client-centered solutions. With specialists in many different tax areas, we offer valuable and professional resources.

Accounting & Financial Services



Internal Audit

Financial Advisory

Payroll, Bank & Financial Institution Compliance Services

Payroll process

Tax and reports filling

Workers Compensation

Financial Institution Compliance

Preparation of information to comply with regulatory agencies

Coordination of personal and business financial affairs

Review and compilations of financial statements

Profit planning and budgeting

Internal control evaluations

Cash Flow projections

Year-end planning

Taxation Services

Registration of companies

Personal Taxation

Corporation & LLC Taxation